The 8 Dimensions of Wellness

The Wheel of Wellness encompasses these 8 dimensions:


Recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy foods and sleep, regular physical examinations.


Promoting good self-health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being.


Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships.


Satisfaction with current and future financial situations.


Expanding our sense of purpose and meaning in life.


Recognizing creative abilities and strengths and finding ways to expand our knowledge base and our skills.


Personal satisfaction and enrichments from our work – paid or volunteer.


Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system.

Seeing the Eclipse

I viewed the solar eclipse today through the free eclipse glasses that the New York City public libraries gave out to customers.

The photo above is how the eclipse appeared through the glasses. A moment of transcendent awe that turned an ordinary Monday afternoon into a Wow!

Another solar eclipse will come around in 21 years. I’ll be 79 then.

What takes my breath away is seeing nature in all its glory like when I viewed the eclipse.

The weather will be getting warmer so the days of talking long walks in a park or on the city streets is coming soon.

I imagine that even a person in a wheelchair can find a stretch of road in a park to fly by wheeling through nature..

What joy is to be had living in tune with the natural world.

I hope you enjoy seeing this photo if you weren’t able to view the eclipse on your own.

2024 Early Spring Lower Body Routine

1.DB squat: hold DB at chest with both hands and squat 15 pounds 3×12 reps.

2.KB swing: hold 10 pound DB in each hand and swing 10 pounds x 2 3×12 reps.

3.Hip bridge from floor: lying on floor with feet flat and DB resting on hips press hips up to ceiling 15 pounds 3×12 reps.

4.Single leg Romanian deadlift: right hand on wall DB in left hand lift right leg and reach toward toes on left side going for stretch in hamstring then switch sides 8-10 pounds 3×12 reps.

5.Wall sit: as long as possible. (sitting against wall with back against wall.)


Medicine ball slams side to side (16 times) Lift ball high up then slam on floor.


Alternating leg raises.

Fast-paced step-ups (1 riser on platform) 25 seconds.


Crunches on floor: lie flat and pull both arms and legs together to crunch in the middle.

2024 Early Spring Upper Body Routine

1.DB row: hold DB in both hands bend forward with arms to side and pull both arms back together 10 pounds 3×12 reps.

2.Chest fly: lying on floor hold DBs above chest bring arms out to the side to stretch chest then press up 5 pounds 3×12 reps.

3.Should raise: hold DBs in front and DBs facing forward lift DBs out to side and up to shoulders 5 pounds 3×12 reps.

4.DB Hammer curls: one curl at a time palm facing in 5-8 pounds 3×12 reps.

5.Tricep extension: holding DBs by shoulders elbows up extend arm one at a time toward ceiling 5 pounds 3×12 reps.


Mountain climber (20 seconds)

right into

Plank on hands (as long as possible)

Jumping Jacks (25)


Russian Twists with 8 pound DB

Thoughts on Living a Full and Robust Life

I have an interest in how individuals with disabilities and in fact everyone who has a challenge can create a full and robust life for ourselves.

“Full and robust” is in the eye of the person who wants to better themselves. We should not compare ourselves to other people. The grass isn’t greener over there.

We do best watering and tending to the “flowers” in our own garden. It’s likely the others fronting a green front lawn when you walk inside their house it’s a hot mess where you can’t see it.

For once in my life I could not abide reading chirpy positivity like that on the hellonutritarian website. It appeared daunting that you must follow a strict meal-prepping diet every week without fail.

My contention is that anyone can have a full and robust life of their own design. This is predicated rightly so on not comparing our worth to what other people can have and do.

There are as may possibilities for what a full and robust life can be as there are people. Living a full and robust life can be as simple as enjoying going to Starbucks for a caramel macchiato and reading a magazine while you’re there.

You don’t have to do or be or have what other people do or be or have. This is the beauty of defining a full and robust life on your own terms of what constitutes this kind of life for yourself.

You shouldn’t think that because you have limits or challenges this infers your life cannot be full and robust. It’s OK that you and I might not be world travelers jet-setting to exotic locales. It’s fine that you and I might not achieve the kind of success billionaires or others find in life.

I’m an ordinary person who has always seen possibility where others only see pain. So maybe I can give my followers joy and hope too. I believe that harboring envy of others and wallowing in self-pity is not the way to live our lives. Regret serves to keep us from having the full and robust life that IS possible if we stop dwelling on what we can’t have.

I recommend buying and reading the book Lightly by Francine Jay. In it she writes what I’ll end here with:

“The goal is not to get more done but to have less to do. Fewer distractions and more focus lead to freer, more fulfilling days.”

So in the end you could say a full and robust life is one where we have the freedom to do the things that make us happiest. Resisting falling into “grind culture” habits can free our time to do what we love. Passport and megabucks optional.

The Real Convenience Store

I wanted to talk about workarounds that can make life easier.

In my view ordering groceries and household items online is the real convenience store.

I went in person to a supermarket to buy one item that took 5 minutes to find.

Waiting on the “Express” Lane took over 10 minutes!

Since that store delivers I will likely order the item online when it’s running low.

One other thing that’s a case study in convenience might not seem easier. I call this “just in time” shopping. To wit: walking to the local food market to buy groceries when you need them.

Like going to the deli counter to buy salmon filets and a crab cake for three nights of dinner. This is what I’ve been doing.

As I doubt spending an hour shopping in person will spark joy.

In New York City you can shop online using PeaPod (Stop-n-Shop) and Fresh Direct. Local supermarkets also often have online ordering as I’ve discovered.

At the height of COVID it was hard to order groceries online. Now that it’s easy to do this I say make reserving a weekly timeslot a habit.

Though if you’re like a person who told me he enjoys in person shopping this might rock you to wheel a cart around the aisles.

Right when I was waiting over 10 minutes on the Express Lane I remembered why I prefer shopping online : )

Christina’s Tofu Eggs

A really long time ago I used to saute tofu cubes with broccoli in sesame oil for dinner. That was over 7 years ago.

The author of Fridge Love talked about how Joel Fuhrman, MD the Eat to Live author and creator of the nutritarian diet advises followers not to use any oils at all. Not even olive oil.

Using the recipe in Fridge Love I was able to cook the Tofu Eggs dinner as seen in the photo above. The tofu eggs taste better than the old way with sesame oil.

It’s a quick and easy 10 minute total cooking time. The extra time upfront is the 15 minutes where you press the firm tofu dry using the instructions in the Fridge Love book (listed in the blog entry where I shared this recipe).

I recommend lowering the flame a little. The recipe calls for medium heat. My stove is hotter so I lowered the flame to just below medium. I would even say to cook the last half of the time for only 5 minutes not 7. My pan got browned so I soaked it in water and dish detergent before cleaning it.

I’m glad to have found a healthful recipe that is quick and easy. You can even dice tomatoes to cook with the tofu.

Magic Chef

The photo above is of my small Magic Chef refrigerator. This is how I reorganized the contents via the advice in Fridge Love for a freezer-top basic model.

Before the eggs were on the bottom shelf. The yogurt was on the door rack.

The skim milk I use to make hot cocoa. Author Kristen Hong is against drinking milk when you’re older as she claims doing so can age you faster.

It’s the one time I will post this kind of photo. Perhaps viewing the photo you can get an idea of how the book’s subtitle gets at what you can do: Organize Your Refrigerator for a Healthier, Happier Life.

Viewing the contents of our fridge should be a joy to behold. This is what will make it easier to cook our own dinners–and hopefully nutritious meals that nurture our bodies.

We should modify what author Kristen Hong tells readers to do to suit our needs. I created the Pan-Roasted Brussels Sprouts recipe for one dinner. I’m not going to meal-prep for hours on a Sunday in advance for every dinner of the coming week.

I submit that cooking for hours on end is not in the cards for most people. In coming blog entries I’ll talk about workarounds to doing that. The goal is to Make Life Easier.

Sauteed Green Beans

Haricots verts are thinner green beans. Urban Roots sells organic haricots verts on I searched under haricots verts to find this food.


1 1/2 pound haricots verts (French green beans) topped not tailed

2 to 3 tablespoons EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)

Coarse sea salt

Freshly ground black pepper


Heat oil in a large saute pan with lid. Add green beans. Stir to coat. Cover and cook over medium-high heat for 3 minutes. Taste to see if cooked through. If not saute for 3 more minutes.

Transfer to serving platter. Add black pepper. Can serve warm or at room temperature.

Pan-Roasted Brussels Sprouts

I was able to order organic Brussels Sprouts with my online groceries order. I found this recipe in a book. Yet it’s so simple I’m okay reposting it.


1 pound small Brussels sprouts, rinsed

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

1 1/2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt

A couple cracks of pepper

Shaved Parmesan (optional)

Slice a thin sliver off the stem of the Brussels sprouts. Keep as much of the base as you can to keep the leaves intact. Remove any limp exterior leaves.

Heat a large saute pan over medium. Add the butter to the pan. Once melted add the vinegar and Brussels sprouts to the pan. Saute for 3 minutes or until lightly browned.

Sprinkle with the salt and pepper.

Cover and remove the pan from heat. Let the Brussels sprouts steam for 4 minutes.

Top with a sprinkle of shaved Parmesan if you’d like.

Tofu Eggs

1 (16-ounce) block firm tofu, drained

1 tablespoon vegetable broth

2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric

1/8 teaspoon garlic powder

Salt and ground black pepper

Press the tofu for at least 15 minutes. (Place paper towel on cutting board with tofu atop towel. Place towel on top of tofu. Press down with another cutting board and use a cookbook or other book to press down top board. Can use plates instead.)

In skillet heat the broth over medium heat. Crumble the pressed tofu into the pan with your hands.

Cook, stirring frequently and breaking up the tofu with your spatula to get a scrambled egg texture for 5 to 7 minutes until the moisture is gone.

Reduce the heat to low and add the nutritional yeast, turmeric, garlic, powder, and salt and pepper to taste.

Cook for another 5 to 7 minutes until all moisture is absorbed. Remove from heat.