The Real Convenience Store

I wanted to talk about workarounds that can make life easier.

In my view ordering groceries and household items online is the real convenience store.

I went in person to a supermarket to buy one item that took 5 minutes to find.

Waiting on the “Express” Lane took over 10 minutes!

Since that store delivers I will likely order the item online when it’s running low.

One other thing that’s a case study in convenience might not seem easier. I call this “just in time” shopping. To wit: walking to the local food market to buy groceries when you need them.

Like going to the deli counter to buy salmon filets and a crab cake for three nights of dinner. This is what I’ve been doing.

As I doubt spending an hour shopping in person will spark joy.

In New York City you can shop online using PeaPod (Stop-n-Shop) and Fresh Direct. Local supermarkets also often have online ordering as I’ve discovered.

At the height of COVID it was hard to order groceries online. Now that it’s easy to do this I say make reserving a weekly timeslot a habit.

Though if you’re like a person who told me he enjoys in person shopping this might rock you to wheel a cart around the aisles.

Right when I was waiting over 10 minutes on the Express Lane I remembered why I prefer shopping online : )

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