Christina’s Tofu Eggs

A really long time ago I used to saute tofu cubes with broccoli in sesame oil for dinner. That was over 7 years ago.

The author of Fridge Love talked about how Joel Fuhrman, MD the Eat to Live author and creator of the nutritarian diet advises followers not to use any oils at all. Not even olive oil.

Using the recipe in Fridge Love I was able to cook the Tofu Eggs dinner as seen in the photo above. The tofu eggs taste better than the old way with sesame oil.

It’s a quick and easy 10 minute total cooking time. The extra time upfront is the 15 minutes where you press the firm tofu dry using the instructions in the Fridge Love book (listed in the blog entry where I shared this recipe).

I recommend lowering the flame a little. The recipe calls for medium heat. My stove is hotter so I lowered the flame to just below medium. I would even say to cook the last half of the time for only 5 minutes not 7. My pan got browned so I soaked it in water and dish detergent before cleaning it.

I’m glad to have found a healthful recipe that is quick and easy. You can even dice tomatoes to cook with the tofu.

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